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A very precious collection including the fresco by Perugino.

The Picture Gallery is located in the 14th-century Palazzo dei Consoli and together with the Regional Ceramics Museum constitutes the museum circuit. The collection is rich and diverse and, following the last restoration, the exhibition space has been revised and expanded. The first floor holds the works from the local churches of San Francesco and Sant’Antonio Abate; works of great artistic interest including the fresco by Perugino L’Eterno, Santi Romano e Rocco, the two works by Alunno (Madonna dei Consoli and Il Gonfalone di Sant’Antonio Abate) and a Franciscan parchment missal dated back to the 13th century.

The upper floor holds the Lione Pascoli’s collection, acquired as a donation in 1931  and consists of about 40 paintings; the works, all highly representative of the Roman style collections of the early 18th century (consisting in large part of the minor genres: bambocciate , still lifes, landscapes, battle scenes), include canvases by Baciccio, Antonio Amorosi, Francesco Trevisani, Sebastiano Conca, Francesco Graziani and Pieter van Bloemen.